Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some Tutorials

It is actually not hard to find good tutorials on the web.  

A very good resource for all of the important stuff is and it is rare when you do not find an answer there. This being said, a good systematic tutorial is a good thing. It is like learning a speaking language - you first get the essentials - then you start speaking the little you know and as you practice you increase your vocabulary and you learn new grammatical expressions, etc... In coding, you start learning the syntax (basics) , then the way each parts works (grammar), then you work out some examples (practice) and soon you are on your way coding your Edge Animate composition.




After the tutorials

When I do not remember how to do something or plain do not know how to do it, I just Google it. It is amazing how much information you can find. Someone has already asked your question at some point and there is an answer out there. If not, ask the question on a forum and someone will answer. It is that simple.

Use the Edge Animate Forum

I can't help but promote the Edge Animate forum from Adobe since it always has good answers. Just do a search and if the answer if not there, ask.

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